Battery charging rate

We’re on a heat pump tariff so we charge our battery in the 3 cheap slots between 4am-7am, 13:00-16:00 and 22:00-00:00. I have ‘Eco’ enabled and 3 Timed Charge slots that I set up via the remote control section on the web portal. Each slot is set to ‘charge to 100%’ , and in the Battery Options section both charge and discharge powers are set to 3.6W.

I’ve noticed that mostly the battery charges at around 2.7kW. Ocasionally there might be brief periods where the rate jumps to 3.4kW but never for long.

It has so far always managed to get to 100% before the end of the charging slot.

Is this operating as designed, or should it always charge at the rate defined in the settings (i.e. 3.6kW)? I can’t work out if it’s being clever and only charging as fast as it ‘needs to’, or if it’s slightly malfunctioning.

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What inverter and battery?

Could it be mains and solar charging sometimes, thus higher rate?

Ah, it’s because of the cold weather - see this thread

And also possibly a ranging bug limiting it to 0.25C rather than 0.333C between 10c and 20c temps.

I have had the same problem with charge rate. I have a 3kW inverter but only got a battery charge between 2.65kW and 2.9kW. GE said it was within limit for losses but this in statement is misleading. If you look at the graphs there is an addtional inverter power tab. When the battery is charging at 2.9kW the inverter power does show 3.0kW showing a loss of 4% so within the spec. Even when charging at 2.65Kw the inveter power is 2.75kW so again show a 4% loss. This has hppened througout July-Oct so should not be a battery temerature related issue.

The trouble with my system is when I charge the battery is ALWAYS starts on the lower charge rate for a least an hour before bumping up to the max charge rate. The result means I can never pick 30 min Octopus slots to charge at the 3kWw inverter. My system is only 3 months old and I have had other issues but GE have been very poor with their support. Emails just get ignored.

EDIT - I have since looked at the data an think I know why. Looking at the forum it seems that temperature does effect charge rate. Looking back at the data it looks like the battery charges at the lower rate until it hits 20 Deg C, at which point it can be charged at the full rate. The battery and inverter is in my cellar so, even in the summer, can be a little cooler. I am now satisfied that the charge rate is now behaving normally but why GE couldn’t make this info more avaialable or replied to my emails with a satisfactory explaination then this would have avoided all this confusion!

As far as I am aware the battery will charge at the rate you set in the settings up to the maximum allowed, check what battery system you have and the maximum charge rate, my pack can charge and discharge at 6kW and that is what it is set at in the settings. For my 13.5kW battery it takes over two hours to charge from zero @ 6kW so check your battery pack i.e. if for instance it is a 4kW pack it will fully charge from zero in just over 1 hour @ 3.6 kW.
Everything depends on pack size and power charge and discharge limits.

Hope this helps.

I am having the same issue where the charge rate is only going to 2.7kw. I assume it is temperature related but does anyone know what are the temp limits? My battery is over 25deg and still being limited to 2.7kw.

Sheldon - what inverter / batteries do you have ? ( and do you have the latest firmware ? )

Late response to your post but did you solve the issue?
I’m in the same situation, heat pump tariff with 3 timed charge slots and infrequent full rate charging. I can see from my data that the higher rate of charging doesn’t occur below 21 degrees. That’s fair enough, but then the charge rate invariably drops to 2.7 kW at around 60-65% charge. I appreciate that charge rate reduces when the battery approaches full capacity but surely 65% is too soon? Charge and discharge parameters both set at 3600kW.
I have a 5kW gen 3 inverter with 9.5KWh battery, installed November 2024. With high winter usage the battery sometimes doesn’t reach full charge in the timed slot (particularly the 2 hour late evening slot).
Thanks in advance for any responses.