
Anybody seeing this error from their EVC? Had 3 notifications over December so far. (installed Nov 20)
The installer has been out to check and confirms the connections are good. I’m sure it’s safe and it does work.

Any thoughts?

I’ve had the this if the voltage has gone over 253v - usually if the local grid is overloaded and has happened as a result of exporting pushing the grid voltage up.

I’m getting the 26 Ground Leak error message several times a day. Givenergy say it is a ‘known fault’ and they are working on a solution. They are now getting 50-60 calls a day from people with this problem but can’t give any idea when it will be fixed or whether it will be a software upgrade or a change in hardware. They claim it resets soon afterwards although I see from the log it can take up to an hour to do so. I’m about to get my first EV and will not be very happy if this interrupts my charging overnight. I intend using the charger in ‘plug and go’ mode to start with to minimise the likely problems, then ty out the other options. Anyone found a way of minimising this error??

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After those first few, I haven’t had more (other than once next to a power cut).
94jdh mentioned voltage fluctuations being a possible cause (makes some sense).
Maybe your grid connection does fluctuate?
Do you ever see it overnight? Maybe when the grid is “quieter” there are less fluctuations?

I’ve never had one while the car is charging. Not sure if it would be a problem when it is underload.

I guess we’re all classified as “early adopters”. I get the impression that all brands are still in the figuring it out stage

I’ve checked back on the grid voltage and sure enough the error occurs when the voltage peaks. So now I understand the cause all I need to do is find a solution!

Over the last three days the error message has coincided with peak voltages between 253 and 255 volts. Do I complain to my DNO (Scottish & Southern) about their fluctuating supply or do I wait for Givenergy to fix the sensitivity of the charger?

Notify the DNO, perhaps via their emergency line.

Perhaps wait for a sunny day to make sure they visit on a day where the voltage will be high.

Had the same Error 26 Groundleak many times a day. Fixes itself in about an hour. GivEnergy said over-voltage problem. (They have a specific error code for this -14 !! but I only ever see 26)
They told me it’s the DNO’s problem. I called them and an engineer came round the same day !! measured the voltage which was 248 at that moment and said someone would come to fix a meter to track voltage over a week. I gave him a printout of my log which showed 254.6v several times over a few minutes.
The next day two SSE vans appeared and examined the local transformer from ground level. One guy said it’s a problem they have to fix but didn’t have a clue when. They drove off after about 5 minutes.
I can get a charge if I restart the EVC and plug in immediately and so far it has not stopped mid charge. I cannot schedule a charge.
I think GE need to update the design and/or firmware. These over-voltage situations are surely going to get worse in my opinion.

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I have this same problem. My grid voltage is varying between around 248 and 255 Volts and I keep getting the 26(Groundleak) fault several times per day at all sorts of times when it goes high. I have informed the DNO and someone came round the same day and measured 249 at that time. However I did send them my own measurements, made with an accurate and calibrated meter over several days and they said they would accept this. The guy said they would go and check the transformer tappings at the substation (which is just across the road from my house) but I have heard no more, despite chasing.

I really think that there should be a band of tolerance between the DNO voltage limit (253) and the point at which the charger gives an error and stops working. Givenergy need to make changes here. I can’t rely on my charger operating at all and certainly not on timed operation.

Did any of the previous posters get any result on this?

I was advised to install an optimiser… £550 later and no more errors

Think GE should be more upfront about this

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I have complained GivEnergy as well about this but they always say its not their problem - I dont see why not? While importing the grid voltage is around 240-245, as soon as the export starts the grid voltage reported is more than 255 and the Ground Leak error appears. Why should the Grid Voltage increase by 10V while exporting and there is no answer from Giv Energy on how much it should increase if I am pushing at 6kWh max? This makes me thing the product is half cooked or misconfigured.
I am not 100% sure if installing a voltage optimizer is the solution - the electrical equipment in the household are still exposed to high voltage while exporting - correct me if I am wrong?

I had over voltage problems on sunny days. Ultimately is 100% the problem for the local electricity supplier (DNO) it’s a legal requirement for them to ensure the supply is no greater than 253v - it’s not fair to blame GivEnergy for a problem that’s out of their control.

Speaking with the engineers it’s a common occurrence that other brands of EV chargers stop working when the supply is over 253v.

I did eventually (after 3 months) get UK Power Networks to alter the tapping on the distribution transformer across the road from my house and the voltage magically lowered and the charger now operates with no errors. You have to be persistent and they do have an obligation to sort it.

A friend of mine in another part of my district had the same problem and UKPN paid for a second-hand optimiser that he had fitted but they did not reduce the voltage.

Despite this, I do think it’s a bit much that the GivEnergy charger stops working at exactly 253V. The Zappi I have at work has been subjected to 255V at times and keeps on going.

Hi Kams19. It seems that you have a high impedance supply cable (probably long and /or thin) and this is probably not GivEnergy’s fault. Suggest you talk with the DNO about this.