5Kwh Gen 3 Hybrid Inverter - Battery Temperature and Charge Issues

I recently replaced a Gen 1 3.6Kwh hybrid inverter with a Gen 3 5Kwh hybrid inverter. This is hooked up to a 9.5 and 2.6 Battery. The old inverter charged at a rate of 2.4Kwh.

Since upgrading (questionable word) the rate fell to 1.8Kwh, which Givenergy has said is to protect the battery, unless the battery is over 20deg, in which case it is 2.6Kwh. This is certainly less that the 3.6Kwh maximum charging rate of each battery.

However there is another issue I have discovered. In the Battery section of the app, there is a battery temperature reported. For example the other day it said 18deg, when you click on more information it stated the 9.5Kwh battery was at 24.5deg and the 2.6Kwh was at 20.9deg.

Where on earth is the 18 degrees figure coming from ?

I agree… the battery temps in the APP and WEB page are incorrect !

I have 2 x 9.5KW batteries and use HASSIO Home Automation to get the values direct from the API, and these come back as 28.5 and 27.6.

The APP on the FRONT page it is showing 25 ( if I click “more information” it does then show the same temps as above )

The WEBsite is just showing 25 in the battery section - and no way to get more details.

For now this seems to be a coding issue within the APP/WEBsite, So if you need accurate temps then you need click the “More Information” or get yourself a Raspberry PI and enter the world of home automation :slight_smile: :house:

also - as you know as your battery gets fuller around 90% the charge rates drop right down… but I 100% get the 3.6KW max on my Gen3

Thanks for your feedback, clearly I am not the only one with the issue. The problem I have, is my inverter is protecting the batteries based on a temperature they aren’t actually at. Mine are in the garage, so not as warm as yours, meaning mine now charge slower than with a smaller inverter. The batteries themselves are commonly over 20 degrees, but the inverter works off this other unrelated figure.

Still doesn’t help but… it looks like the front page of the APP is taking the average of all the battery cells and then using that ( my app says my battery is 22deg )

But when I click the more information button it them shows as being 27deg


This makes no sense at all to me !!! - but I at least know where my values are coming from !!

and additional info - my batteries are on the outside of my house in a little shelter, so are normally colder, yet I still seem to get 3.6 pushed through without any issue.

My first port of call for anything these dayz it to make sure your on the latest firmware for both your inverter and batteries : G3 Hybrid firmware revisions

Thanks for this. I don’t see mine looking like an average temp. Right now the main screen says the temp is 19deg. The 9.5Kwh is showing as 24.2 deg and the 2.6Kwh 21.8 deg (mean is 23 deg). It’s almost as if the main battery temperature is displaying the ambient air temp in my garage. Firmware is all up to date.