AIO doesn't AIO anymore

Weird title, sorry.

Yesterday my AIO tripped the 3 breakers between it and the grid. MCB in the AIO, and both MCB & RCD in the gateway.
I’ve reset all breakers and… nothing. AIO/inverter don’t show up in the app/dashboard at all.
Pressing the “GIV” button on the side of the AIO causes that button to light up and makes the AIO beep every 2-3 seconds continuously. The AIO does then show up in the app/dashboard, complete with the ~91% SoC it had before the issue but almost zero voltage (varies between 0.0Xv to 0.6v).

Have contacted both Givenergy and the installer yesterday but haven’t heard back yet. I figure this is a significant failure of something.
Mostly wondering if anyone might know what? Or perhaps is there something I can poke to make it work again?


We had an AiO installed at start of October, and the AiO circuit breaker in the Gateway has tripped every 7-10 days, without any obvious reason. Most times, I’ve been able to reset the CB, but the most recent time it took a while, and I had to shut off the AiO before brining the CB in the Gateway back on. News from GivEnergy via my installer is that the CB should be bigger - let’s see!

What’s the rating of your circuit breaker?

In my case the AIO flat out failed. After a bit of back and forth, and a wait for an engineer to be available Givenergy replaced the AIO under warranty

30mA (I think); GivEnergy now saying it can be replaced with a 100mA