AIO - EPS - Not automatic

Hi all,

Unsurprising given the weather last week, we had a prolong powercut and was susprised when the Emergency power supply PS didn’t automatically kick in when there was lost of Grid/Mains power.

Our installers advised us to switch the Grid breaker off on the gateway, which then allowed the EPS to kick in.

Is this normal configuration? We have been advised that the AIO has been wired in so it should automatically switch over. We don’t have a master switch or anything to switch over the EPS which i’ve seen in some of the GE documentation.

Interesting to know what other installs are like. As you can imagine, not great trying to work out when the Grid connection was back online to switch over from using the EPS.


Mine kicks in fine by itself, was the whole point of getting the AIO & Gateway for me - can imagine that would be frustrating though.