AIO giving steady beep, no lights lit and appears offline

I had a couple of power cuts yesterday evening, the battery was at 4% so backup power didn’t kick in. Afterwards the AIO showed itself to be in an Error state. I restarted it via the web portal but that didn’t help.

This morning, it appears offline and is making a steady beep. I’ve held the off button for a few seconds to switch it off but when I switch it back on, the steady beeping restarts.

I’m unable to call my installer as they ceased trading a few weeks after my install!

Not sure what to try.

Very sorry to hear your situation with AIO. Presumably you are not able to force charge the battery via app or cloud control? What does the cloud status report? Call Give Energy and get them to action the start their end as they have more control than you do?
I try to keep a decent level of charge going into the evening to assist just such a situation so if I was to force discharge 4 to 7 pm for export income I would keep 20% in reserve to ensure enough till 11.30 cheap rate?

I emailed GivEnergy support and they told me how to switch the AIO on and off. I discovered the AIO breakers had tripped in the Gateway. The step by step instructions were very clear and it’s all back to working normally again.

Thanks for the advice - keeping 20% in reserve seems a good idea.

I was about to suggest exactly that - I had some kind of power surge which as it turned out tripped the AIO breaker in the gateway. Switched off the AIO and then reset the breaker fixed it all

Once you have some charge it might be worth simulating a power cut by turning the GRID breaker off and then back on after a couple of minutes to make sure the AIO breaker doesn’t trip again due to some fault.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I turned the GRID breakers off in the Gateway and the AIO breakers immediately tripped off.

I assumed the AIO would step in to supply the power as the battery was at 75%.

I guess I’m going to have to find an installer to investigate unless anyone has any suggestions?

How much load is being passed through it ?

Additional steps would be - turning off all the individual trip switches in the panel then turning off the mains supply and seeing what happens

You might find it is just something on one of the breakers causing the issue.

The if it works when all the individual switches are off- power them on one at a time.

Thanks for your suggestion.

With all the house breakers off, the AIO breakers stayed on. However, when I start to turn the house back on, once the load gets to around 100w, the AIO breakers trip off. I’ve tried switching the house breakers back on in different orders and there’s nothing in particular in the house causing the problem. I guess I need an electrician to investigate further.

I just had new additional panels fitted this year - but my Electrician had to replace my entire consumer unit as the entire upstairs of the house was not grounded correctly and I had a massive “Leak To Earth” somewhere that kept causing power trips.

But he fixed all that and my random power outages due to the leak to earth are gone.

I tried to fix this myself over the past few years but he had specialist kit that figured it all out.

Basically - get a sparky in :-)

And as I always say… make sure your on the latest software / firmware versions !!