AIO moving solar meter


Hi Paul

On the AIO, Is it possible yet to have the Solar PV inverter installed off the house supply and use a lora to relocate the meter?

I know before these did work but data all wrong on the app/dashboard.

Has this been solved by new firmware?

Many thanks

Not yet.

The switch for Load calculated vs measured is still in work

Hi Paul.

Ok thanks for that.

If we install this now using the Gateway V1 will this just be a firmware update at a later date? Or will you bring out a new Gateway V2?

Or will the meters inside of the gateway change to make this possible and it is hardware as well as software that needs to change?

Just noticed you mentioned it on your Instagram Live Q&A and I have a customer asking for it.


It will be a Firmware upgrade.

The V2 Gateway has better RCD nuisence tripping resilliance

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