I’ve had an All In One for a couple of weeks, and its data connection often goes offline. It’s connected by Ethernet and the rest of the network works fine. I can see the AIO as connected via my router’s app, but I can neither connect to the AIO by the app or directly by home assistant. A hard reset seems to take it back online.
Battery works fine while offline, just can’t see data or change settings.
This seems like a software issue with the AIO. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions for resolving the issue?
I installed one that had the same problem, we were told by support that there was a known fault with the LAN interface and we should switch it to WiFi. It’s been fine since. If you’re technical, the systems use port 7654 for communication so add a rule for that to your firewall. I’ve told by customers in IT that it won’t make any difference, but it often does.
Thanks @DMGN. I was having the same problem with wifi, which is why I switched to LAN, but I had not played with the port number - I’ll read up about this.
Given that Wi-Fi was largely working, do you think I need to do anything with the firewall?
I initially had problems using wifi as it kept on disconnecting from the router. I found that the wifi was 2.4GHz, while the router supported both 5GHz and 2.4GHZ and the wifi was not very good a negotiating with the router. So I changed to a Raspberry Pi which used a 2.4GHz wifi connection and connected to the router. This works much better but has occasional problems.
I purchased a repeater for the router and set its 5GHz and 2.4GHz to have different connection names. I tried connecting the inverter wifi to the 2.4GHz connection and it worked for about 1/2 hour then gave up. So I have gone back to the Raspberry Pi connection. Any ideas?
I have the same issue as the original post. AIO with wired connection. I am always able to ping the battery and gateway but every few days one or both go offline for a day or so before re-appearing.
From the app, it only occasionally manages to connect locally but will usually connect as a remote connection.
I’ve had the installation about 6 weeks now and it has been like this since day one. I’ve contacted the installers twice but they have yet to come back to me.
Whatever @TheDragon_Giv did to my firmware, it sorted everything out. Completely reliable since. Maybe someone can explain how to update the dongle firmware?
Note - I’ve stuck with LAN as seems like it should be the most reliable.
Ive been experiencing exactly the same issue. I have also recently applied the firmware update that was pushed out about a week or so ago and don’t think I have experienced the issue since then.