Alert notifications

We have had an intermittent circuit breaker trip issue in the Gateway connected to our newly installed All-in-One. Leaving the issue to one side, the frustrating thing is that we don’t get any alert notifications of any error - the Gateway light is green. The only way of finding out is either by opening the Gateway, checking the (outside) battery light, or by closely monitoring the dashboard. I can’t find a way of enabling any alert notifications - does such a thing exist?

I had to have a replacement gateway installed and the installer said that GE have changed the way the neutral and earth work. This makes it more susceptible to tripping. Mine currently trips when the power comes back on. I spoke to an electrician last week and he has suggested upping the RCD that trips from a 30mA to 100mA to solve the problem.

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We had a similar issue when going from grid to island mode when a second AiO was installed and that was solved by going to 100mA RCBOs, if just one AiO I would imagine changing the RCD in the Gateway to 100mA; get a sparks to measure the earth leakage.

As to monitoring, we’ve taken the Home assistant route which monitors the different sources and outputs using GivTCP and sends us a text message if anything changes within the parameters we set. Something to learn and do in idle moments!

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