App options dont function and gives bad data

hi - new user here.

Trying to get my head around the app and seeming lack of useful options for directing power.

Currently I am looking at my app - I have a battery at ,80% my home is using 500w and yet it’s still pulling from the grid and charging the battery.

Im on Eco (because even if you turn it off it just reactivates) and ive set timed export to off (for now) - yet it STILL discharges to the grid, and timed charge to midnight (it’s been charging since 11 ish)

The only way ive found to stop it pulling from the grid is to force the battery to discharge but then it discharges to the grid too! It’s maddening - is there really such a lack of simple granular control with this system?

Also the cloud portal tells me im not pulling anything from the grid, but my smart meter confirms that I am - seems a bit of a mess.

Any help?


Do you have more info ?

  • What inverter / batteries do you have
  • What firmware versions are they at
  • How full are the batteries
  • How much power are you generating.

I have a Gen3 inverter and this only does 3.6KW to the batteries - anything more and it just dumps to the grid, and I factored this in by design :slight_smile:

I generate 7KW on solar

I use :
1 KW just on tick over
3.6KW to Batteries
2.5KW to iBoost ( detected via CT clamp on mains )
… Then when the iBoost has heated the water I turn on my 4 Aircon units

So in effect no waste on a sunny day.

This sounds like you might be generating more than you can consume.

edit… just re-read your note… pulling from grid :frowning: - you might need to update your firmware : Firmware revisions - Knowledge Base