We don’t monitor use everyday, especially now, in winter when hardly anything is generated due to it being cloudy all day and the days being short.
But I was surprised to see that we’ve had no charging for several days.
I’ve even set a timer charge for 3 hours overnight when the tariff is cheapest, and nothing. I’ve tried a factory reset. Still no charging. It’s very very disappointing.
Any ideas?
I have a 3kW inverter and 2x9.5kWh batteries
I don’t know what “SOC” means.
I’ve tried a factory reset.
The light on the inverter shows no connection with the batteries.
SOC = State of Charge ( if you doa firmware update it will force a SOC by charging / discharging the batteries )
Are you seeing the batteries in the APP or the Website ?
( if so what percentage are they at )
have you tried a full reset / power off / on ?
Turn everything off and on again
Shutdown batteries first
Isolate the Solar Feeds ( you should have a isolation per string )
power off the inverter
wait 30 - 60 seconds
The do the reverse to bring it back online
Also Check the firmware levels ( Firmware revisions - Knowledge Base )