Battery exporting to Grid when using battery to power home?

When running on battery power only has anyone noticed a feedback to the grid anything from about 10W up to about 300W could be more and GivEnergy states the system is working correctly?

Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?

They are just momentary spikes – if you have a IHD, you we see that they are very brief in duration.
This happens when an appliance turns off and the inverter takes a second or so to react.

Thanks for your reply.
I agree if it is showing for a few seconds even a minute is OK but this can run for hours and can vary from a few watts, i.e. 7W to over 300W which can lead to a good number of kW over the run of the battery?
GivEnergy give me the same answer as you but this is just not happening with my system?

Hi Brian
No worries, sorry can’t help any further – mine spikes day and night which can be seen on the Power Graph and IHD but it rarely amounts to more than 0.2kWh over 24 hours (it’s 0kWh so far today @16:45 hours although it will probably register something after we’ve cooked the evening meal, i.e. high load on and off). I take this reading from the Power Flow Graph by hovering over the pylon in the bottom right corner.
Hope some else more knowledgeable can help, good luck.

Hi Mark
I have taken a screenshot showing when using the battery only, just under 50kW has been sent back to the grid over a period of about 4 months. This is GivEnergy’s own system showing a battery to grid feed which should just not happen?

Thanks for your input, keep an eye open to see if I can get this rectified.

Thanks Brian
No screenshot, but I don’t doubt what you are seeing, I just don’t have an answer!
It’ll be interesting to see if you get a plausible answer.

The inverter is constantly calculating the amount of load in the house, the power coming from the solar and the incoming voltage to try and balance it’s output from the battery. It might be interesting to see what the incoming voltage variance is vs when you get the spikes?

Same here.
I pointed it out to the installer. He reckoned is was ‘static’ interfering with the mains clamp.
No, me neither.
However is it plausible?

I suffer from this ‘leakage too’. Generally somewhere between 1w and 30w and have answer as to why (other than the installer suggesting it is the system ‘communicating with the grid’ :man_facepalming: )

I’m guessing here as I’m not an electrician.
The metering clamp is sensing the current flow in a wire by some kind of induction effect. As the clamp is not mechanically connected (just a sensing loop around the wire) I’m guessing that this method gives rise to small fluctuations which cause the app to register it as a tiny flow of current (1 -30W) for a few seconds.
Annoying if you’re OCD, but no big deal I guess.
Can someone put me right if this is rubbish!