Battery failing to charge from grid

We have a 9.5kWh Givenergy battery (installed July this year) and until now it has worked flawlessly. The last two nights the battery has not charged from the grid as it is set to do between 0030 and 0430 - the cheap period with Octopus Go. Previously it has done this without any problem.

Any thoughts on what might be the problem?

What are the rest of your settings please? Also have you checked the remote control page to confirm the charge is turned on?

Yes, I have done that and all seems in order with the charging from Grid set up for the designated period.
I phoned Givenergy just now and he tried pushing charge to the battery remotely with no joy so it looks like I will have to get the installer to visit. Unfortunately he is on holiday til next week.
The tech help guy at Givenergy said he hadn’t seen a problem like this so may be a failed inverter?

Sorry, wrong picture!

No problem. It would be worth logging on the console and check the remote control page for your inverter just to confirm ac charge is enabled, 100% right times etc. The app is good but can sometimes get confused.