Battery lost all charge at midnight last night

Anyone else have this issue? My battery was at 34% at 23:30, then at 23:58, it suddenly dropped to 0% (not to 4% reserve, as if it had just run down), then started charging from the grid - I ended up staying awake as I couldn’t stop it charging from the grid (Since it wasn’t enabled in the app) until it reached 6%, then started discharging with load as normal. See attached screenshot for what I could pull from the logs - an undervoltage error, but I’ve not seen that completely 0 the battery before? There was no power cut in my area, and none of my clocks etc were affected, no circuits tripped out in the house. Is this some sort of stealth update, since I know those tend to drain the battery and recharge, a random error, or something I should get my installer to check out? Any help would be appreciated.

It does look like the 34% SoC battery percentage was inaccurate, especially with the reported battery voltages from 23:30 onwards, hence the sudden drop off in % SoC as the battery voltage dropped further (effectively to a low limit value which automatically sets the %SoC to 0).

If you can provide the inverter and battery model numbers and current firmware versions, it may be something that can be improved with new firmware updates.

There are many posts on this forum regarding inaccurate %SoC and the knock-on effects.

Hi Simon, I have a Gen 1 3.6KW Inverter (GIV-HY3.6) with firmware 449 and a Gen 1 5.2KW battery with firmware 3017

I charged it via mains during the British Gas Peaksave sunday (11am-4pm), and it was supposedly 100% long before 4pm, when it reverted back to eco mode.
Today is pretty cold, and I notice my battery temp is 11c - is it supposed to stay around 20c?

I had a look around on the old forum, only joined this one yesterday and saw 3 topics with the tag - thinking about getting another panel or some optimisers, so wanted to check whether the battery needed looking at whilst they’re here - thanks for your help!

The battery is up to date at v3017, but the Gen1 inverter is not. I have a Gen2 hybrid so have not been keeping track of Gen1 issues and firmware versions.

There is no mention of SoC adjustments in the official newer versions, so it may be there is a beta inverter version that helps.

Check on this forum for Gen1 hybrid %SoC issues.

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the information! Unfortunately I can’t find any way to update my inverter on the app, portal or that forum (the ‘update now’ prompt that was there for the battery around April this year has never shown for the inverter) - perhaps the other two versions are beta versions :frowning:

I contacted Giv before Christmas and had them push a firmware to the inverter - it seemed better, but now when charging my battery from mains, I notice it rarely pulls even close to capacity before showing 100% - I’ve had charges of 1. 9kw, 2.2kw, 3.1kw, but not the usual 4.8kw that my 5.2kw battery should hold. I have Winter Conditioning enabled, but my battery is loft mounted so isn’t getting cold enough for that to enable. Is it likely there’s an issue? Giv seem to be totally out of contact - phones closed, no email response, no twitter answer :(

I am also haviung problems with the battery and inverter following a firmware update before Christmas 2024. The battery is programmed to charge at offpeak times ( Octopus) and its discharge is supposed to be at peak time. What actually happens is that it charges and then immediately discharges during the night. basically we are now paying for the battery to charge and then it discharges almost half back to the grid for which we receive nothing. It will charge and discharge on manual control - pressing the battery + and - signs but that means staying up.! Any help would be greatly appreciated otherwise I need to turn it off