Battery spontaneously charging from grid to 100% and not discharging

Last night our battery started charging from the grid at midnight until it was at 100%. It’s not set to do this and should only be charged from the solar set up. Since then we have been using power but it hasn’t been discharging from the battery which remains at 100%. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Did you or your installer start a firmware update?

Charging can happen after that. Calibration they call it.

Have you added a beta tariff or smart tariff to the givenegy portal or app? If so, check it to make sure automations are off.

Try resetting to defaults from the web portal, make sure eco is on after doing that.

Setup a timed grid charge if you want one, but from the above I guess you don’t. So leave that off.

Although if you can get onto a cheaper tariff, which offers cheap power overnight, it might be worth considering that given you have a battery doing not much during winter.

Thanks for your message.

No firmware update was done - the last one was back October 2024. Haven’t added any new tariffs to the portal and only eco is on with everything else disabled.

Battery is still 100% with no signs of discharging - almost as if it has been disconnected but cant see any fault physically.

Thanks for the mention about using the tariff - that had been going through our minds and one that we will likely explore.

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Exactly the same has happened to me, same time as well (Sunday night/Monday morning overnight). I’ve tried switching off and back on and it goes back to 100%. I emailed support yesterday but no reply yet.

We have also e-mailed support but no reply, if you find out how to resolve the problem please let us know!

Hello, I decided to phone the support number - 01377252874 - after being in a queue for about 40 minutes, they sorted the problem for me in a few minutes. It was due to some sort of recalibration that happened at that time, and something in the settings was preventing the discharge. They changed something at their end, and it is now discharging. I would advise you to call them, but be prepared to be listening to annoying hold music for some time! You might get through quicker if you choose the ‘installer’ option rather than the ‘homeowner’ option as I did.