Battery turning itself off

We have had our GivEnergy 9.5 kW battery for about eight months, so this is the first autumn/winter and the first time we are force charging it. We also have an air source pump which uses a lot of KW from the grid.

On four occasions now the battery has switched itself off and I have manually had to turn it back on. The trip has not switched, it is just literally switched itself off.
It appears to be when the house is pulling a lot of KW from the grid, at times when we are forced charging the battery and the air source heat pump is working hard.
Is there a limit on how much KW we can be pulling from the grid? If so, would that affect the battery to switch itself off?

Perhaps it is Low Grid voltage when you are drawing a lot of kW from grid that causes battery to switch off. On the portal click My Inverter on left, then Inverter data top right (the grid icon), select a date, then click download. Look the data spreadsheet and see what the Grid Voltage is doing. Hope that helps. (If it is low grid voltage you will have to contact your electricity network provider)