Documentation of Web UI

It would be very helpful if there was documentation (or online help) for the items on the Web UI. The portal documentation is distinctly lacking: it may look impressive but most of the text is the printers’ “Lorem ipsum…” guff.

What I’d like to know, for instance is:

  1. How does the AC Charge Upper % Limit interact with AC Charge n Upper SOC % Limits? What if the overall limit is lower than the limit specified for a charge period?

  2. What is Battery Cutoff % Limit and how does it relate to Battery Reserve % Limit? On the app you set the reserve; it appears that the cutoff is set automatically to 80% of the reserve.

  3. Using the app I set one period of charging from Solar + Grid at 2 kW. I was surprised to find on the Web UI that this had set the main Battery Charge Power to 2 kW, thereby restricting all charging of the battery. Is there any way to restrict the charge rate for a single charging period? I’d like to be able to engage a diverter to an immersion heater when there’s lots of solar power rather than have first to charge the battery and then discharge it to the immersion.

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