Dual AIO + solar : Gateway re-setting

I’m experiencing an issue with my dual AIO when I’m exporting from the battery and I have high solar. It looks like when I’m exporting from the battery and I have high solar input into the gateway the Gateway completely resets. It looks to switch to battery mode and then back again. I’m also seeing that my settings are being overriden when this happens - I had Eco mode off so I can export all excess solar, when I discharge the battery with solar the gateway resets and when it comes online turns on Eco mode… Is there a away to fix this? With my single AIO installation, there was a frequency shift setting that needed activating.

assume you are talking to your installer and the Give Energy help desk?
You must be one of the first few to have dual AIO so I would expect them to monitor your set up closely in these early days of customer real operation s?

Hey Arfon,
I think the installers and givenergy might be your only definitive chance of getting a solve on this.

My first thought would be how the aios are chained.

Not necessarily power but maybe Comms from the gateway to the aios.

Whilst the aios themselves clearly have network connectivity.

Is the gateway not able to communicate to the batteries properly and inturn the battery’s are overloading the gw in high demand / export /generation scenarios.

Are you ethernet throughout your setup?
Do you have a Comms lead going from aio 1 gw out port to the to aio 2 gw in.
