Energy bleed to grid...

Hi All

3 weeks into new set up…
AIO, gateway, ashp, pv array, battery, ev charger…

With octopus agile import and fixed tarrif export.

Income from export healthy…

27 panel euroner array 13 k, 16k givenergy battery

Noticing on octopus mini device and other sources of data that there are bleeds of power to grid throughout the day mostly in single digits sometimes 100s of watts…not a lot.
Lots of zero import too!

…feel I’m being too fussy about the power seepage…? or is there a tweak to squeeze out every drop…!?



This looks like normal stuff…

I have an “Instant” hot water tap, and that just powers on randomly to keep the water hot - it consumes 2kw but only for 30 seconds or so.

Now it takes a second or 2 for the Batteries to respond to instant loads like this so I get a few spikes throughout the day.

The response time of the batteries and inverter are NOT instant, and large variations may cause brief import or export.


…theres loads of data to absorb… so revisiting info and settings 1 at a time…next scheduling hw and standard and economy settings

TY again