Excess power going to the grid and not the batteries

My inverter is on factory defaults and I’ve never seen this until today. Why is the excess solar power going to the grid instead of to the batteries?

There’s no timers on and eco mode is on.

It’s cold at the moment and in the evening we’re having to use heating. I’d rather power it from my batteries than from the grid.

Our house is all electric. We have no gas. Heating and water heating is all electric and we have a heat pump.

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I’m having same problem. There is a setting for winter battery conditioning which can be set to enabled / off. Don’t know if this is causing the issue
Any advice?

I’ve had that feature on and off and it’s made no difference to this.

I’m wondering if it’s a power company forcing it thing.

Hey All,
I did find this setting in my Gateway / AIO settings today. Maybe its already set to grid first?
