Firmware update Do.205-Ao.205 plus battery 3017

Givenergy have now removed my beta ware and reverted me to 3017.
still getting random draws from grid (even though battery power is available)
dont understand the setting randomly changing, the enginers shouldnt have to keep going back to the system setings.
so 1 week on no explanation, no feed back, and seemingly no prospect of quick fix, i am wondering how much longer this wil last.
again i understand that everyones system is different but why no feed back? somebody somewhere should know where is the problem.and if its a compatability problem then they should tell us.
called them today, Jacob hopefully will supply the requested feed back.

have been reading that a few of Givenergy systems have left the factory with problematic (loose) wiring conections !,wonder if this is the reason for engineers visit? they have booked me in .
also was wondering what specific system config were involved , me 9.5 battery and ac coupled . whats yours ? ps still random problems .

1 x Hybrid 5.0kW Inverter Gen 3,
1 x 9.52 kWh Battery Gen 2,
16 x 430W Solar Panels. (6.88 kWp)
They are also still wanting to do a Site Visit, I have said it is behaving ‘better’ (** I say better, as I am still having to keep a close eye on it’s behaviour) since I cycled the “Battery Discharge power” setting, but they still want to come…

** I generally manage the inverter/battery via Homeassistant and the GivTCP integration, rather than the Web Console.
Simple tasks like scheduling charges of the battery when on Octopus cheap rate, discharging the battery a few hours before the cheap rate occurs, pausing the battery discharge during car charging, charging the battery before 05:30 to carry me through until 07:30 when the sun hits the panels, etc…

Hi, new to this technology and very new to this forum but due to this low voltage from my 9.5kw battery unable to export , and having to use grid for anything above 900w, very bored with the same vague’ firmware fix sometime in the future’ one line email thats meant to work in place of actual customer support. System was installed end of May , lots of occasions I’ve had to contact Givenergy can’t count the number of times they’ve used the firmware fix coming in the future excuse, there’s no attempt at consistency you always get a different agent, and the knowledge of these varies dramatically. Is it always like this ? thanks

sorry about your problems,you are welcome to complain here, i dont think any of the comments are read by the company. in so much as i have never had a direct reply.
me too as the common phrase is nowadays, instaled in late may and still waiting for engineers visit.
i was reading that good old ed milliband was visiting their facilitys the other day , proclaming that in house off grid storage was the way forward. i do agree so long as Givenergy sort out its existing customers first! just imagine how bad its going to get with only 3 back office engineers and very poor knowledge of the boxes they are selling. its such a shame as i was talking to their sales team at the all electric show at weatherby the other month, and they were quite exited about their products, but unfortunatley they dont have the tec teams to back them up. as you indicated , awaiting firmware updates that are solely devoleped by using us as the testing base is wrong. its the total lack of feed back that annoys me. no time scales or answers to questions.
maybe lobying their head office ?
me just awaiting engineers visit appointment (if it ever transpires)

Hello buzzing
Thanks , you’ve summed things up and given insight much better than I ever could. Interesting you mention the ‘Beta’ nature of their products, onl;y been a customer since late May but strongly feel that they release first and then check if it works or causes other negative outcomes afterwards. I think if this is your business model and you are going to try and save money by running your company in this shoddy way, at least invest in some decent and reliable;e tech support, I replied to the one line , firmware coming , don;t know when email this morning , and I now have an even less specific site visit ticket (no explanation as too what this actually means) , I saddened and relived to see I’m not the onl;y one so hopefully if enough of us flag it they’ll get the message and this rectified in the not too distant …

Hi again,
so if you have quickly scanned the topic lines, you can see that it’s a minimum of 2 week’s from support ticket raised.
as I have found out, only 3 teckies, of what knowledge base unknown.
The firmware is I believe coming from China, so obviously they use that as a delay. I am absolutely sure that if the support people told customers the full, unabridged version, we would be more understanding.
it really is the way we (the customer) are ignored that is so frustrating.
Hey ho

I also had mine fitted mid May, seems to definitely be a pattern here…
I was offered a site visit last week for yesterday, but it was not suitable, seems I am now also sat in the 2 week waiting list. My battery is sort of performing OK, it is definitely not discharging at its 3600W potential, but it is good enough to not be costing me much like it was before I cycled the power setting.

Yes, definitely seeing an obvious pattern here

Since writing I’ve had a number of emails, well intentioned I’m sure but not really moving things on. I also had one that stated my settings were not correct , but now have been updated so things should work as expected… long story short nothing has changed , and when i asked for future reference what settings were out there was no reply .

Can anyone translate this reply I had this morning into a timescale ?
It’s this sort of vague unclear comm’s that have used up any patience I had with them, not good enough.
Also why are they saying it will be fixed with a firmware update, but are proposing a field visit , just looks like delaying tactics to me , very dull zzzzzzzzz

Your ticket has been escalated to the Field Service Team, we will be arranging a site visit for you with our engineer.

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances we are experiencing longer wait times than usual. However, if any cancellations occur, we will make every effort to book you in sooner.
We will be in touch once a date becomes available.

My translation would be that they have only 1 engineer for your area.
I chased when my site visit is likely to be and why they are doing it in the first place.
The lady tried telling me this / that and other stuff, but still no new date. I think I read between the lines that a battery swap out is likely. I sense a bad batch of May batteries, if we are all May installs.

What you are saying seems perfectly feasible to me , right now I’m not going to waste my time calling them as I know it’ll be smoke and mirrors with no firm information. My installation was through Soly who have been equally as ineffective , promises to follow up and help are worthless as I’ve not had one single useful reply or update outside of empty promises. So frustrating spent June and most of July missing out on export selling , and now as well as not exporting also having to pay for electricity above 900w.


Sorry to hear people are having issues with these firmwares.

I have been putting off upgrading our battery to 3017 because I don’t know if the problems are due to the firmware itself or interactions with specific systems after the upgrade.

Has anyone upgraded to 3017 and has a healthy working system?

Thanks for organising this thread and hope everyone having issues sees them resolved as soon as possible.

hi all,
engineer visit on thursday, so lots of questions, hopefully some if not all answered.
fingers crossed.

How did your site visit go?
They are coming to me tomorrow, wondered if you have any insights?

HI, mon ami
so engineer turned up on time,(they have 5 engineers for whole country),
and very busy with our problems.
the information regarding loose cables inside the battery was somewhat correct.
apparently its the cell conecting buzz bars that, in my case were not tight.
the batterys leave the factory with approx 3 ft llb torque, this isnt enough, as in transit and when operating ie warming and cooling,the bars are not making a good contact. this higher resistance i assume is causing bms problems.
after re tightening the nuts, the engineer pluged the battery in to his lappy to see what the cells wer reading, i had 2 cells which were lower than the rest.
the engineer decided on a complete discharge / re charge cycle to equalize the cells.
i have been monitoring my battery stats for the last week and all seems ok.
the engineer said this approach cures 90 % of the battery problems.
this as i said was my problem ,what yours is you will have to wait and see. the engineer came equiped with a replacement battery , just in case.