Giv Gateway + AIO - Questions

I recently had a GivGateway installed along with a 13.5kwh AIO battery. There were a many issues with commissioning to the point the AIO was going to get RMA’d but everything finally seem to come online.

A few questions:
1.) Should I see my GivGateway in my Givenergy Mobile App? - Currently it only seems to see/show the AIO.
2.) In the Installers Manual it mentions “Work mode: Off Grid Operation” and this should be able to be done via the Mobile app / Portal, this doesn’t seem to exist anywhere in the APP and can only be triggered in the portal. Should this show anywhere in the mobile APP?

To preempt some questions.
Firmware is all the latest as of this post (GW had an update today).
Both Gateway and AIO are connected via LAN.
There is a LAN cable between the Gateway / AIO.

Thanks in advanced for your time reading.