Green circle light flashing on inverter and batteries not powering house or charging from octopus

I have 3x 9.5 giv energy batteries and 2 inverters running on my home. They charge overnight from intelligent octopus and solar.
Recently one inverter has stopped working properly and this seems to have affected the other one also. There’s really no power going to or from them. One of the inverters has a flashing circle on it. I’ve restarted but nothing worked. Our installer has been terrible (Halo renewables in Peterborough do not use them) and they just make me feel like I’m a hassle when calling so I am just needing to try and self help. I’ve called GivEnergy but was 2 hours on the phone with no reply. Please help.

Hey Verdi,
Sorry your having issues.
What colour is the circle flashing?

A quick Google search and there’s is some help as to what the issue is based on colour.


P.S is there anything showing in the logs.

If you go to the inverter then the little cog you should be able to scroll to the bottom and see the last events in the log.
