If I change the AC charge times, they are changed by GivEnergy-Octopus S. (GivEnergy). The end charge time is 04:30, which does not reflect the current Octopus Go low-rate window.
How do I ensure my values are not overwritten?
Log entries
18/12/2024 11:28 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 04:29 05:29 05:29 App - Inverter Settings - Timed Charge
19/12/2024 00:07 GivEnergy-Octopus S. (GivEnergy) AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 03:30 00:30 00:30 API - Inverter Settings
I have just exported my logs as I was also part of the Givback and also the Octopus Shared Saving session - but I see nothing in the logs I have just downloaded and put into Excel