Now the days have drawn in I want to set the overnight charge to a higher percentage of the battery to make the most of the cheap rates. Unfortunately, it refuses to work. The app says it’s set the new value, but it seems to only charge to 60%. I’ve tried setting it both locally and via cloud and neither seem to work. The WiFi is a bit patchy, but (being a software developer) if it says ‘successful’ I would assume an ACK as been received. Any ideas how to resolve?
It is often best to check settings on cloud portal (Remote Control icon). Adjust the relevant setting up - submit, then down to what you want and submit. Check it has been read successfully. If that fails perhaps an inverter restart would help. Also look at remote control history bottom of the page. Another factor is for battery FW 3017 3018 the charge rate on battery (not AIO yet) is limited to 60% if average cell temperature is < 20 deg C.
Thank @Ericiw. It seems on the cloud portal there is another ‘AC Charge Upper %’ field which isn’t on the app and it was set to 60%. I’m guessing this was overriding the 85% I was putting in the schedule so I’ll try that and report back.
Changing ‘AC Charge Upper %’ fixed it. Bit strange you can set a schedule value higher than this in the app and it is both not configurable/visible on the app nor warns you it won’t charge above that level. One for the app developers methinks.