Inverter TimeOut when creating DC Discharge 1 Lower SOC Limit

Hello! I’m new to the community and I hope I’m sharing this in the right place. I’ve done a search and I can’t see that anyone else has answered this question either.

I’ve just moved onto Octopus Flux Import and I’d like to fill my battery to 100% during 2am-5am. I’d then like to use the battery (and not the grid) between 5am and 4pm but only up to 50% of the battery because I don’t want to use any of the grid power between 4pm and 7pm when it’s at a peak rate - just in case I’m not generating a lot of solar that day. Then I’d like to just use my battery until it discharges down to 4% in the evening.

I am getting this error code. I am clicking on the button ‘read category’ and yet it’s still not working.

Does anyone have any tips to help me fix it please? Thanks in advance!

Which battery and inverter do you have, and which firmware versions are they using? This can make a difference to the options.

Have you tried using the Phone APP instead ?

I had exactly the same and was told it was because I had a 3 phase system…