Hi there, I have a bit of a situation with my automations and I am wondering if it is possible to get the desired outcome with the GivEnergy settings alone.
I have a 5.12GivBat with 5.5kwh solar array and a 5kw inverter, my daily usage is somewhere around 5kw so most of the time a full battery is enough to see my through the day. This is especially beneficial as I am on IOG tariff at 7p/kw.
Therefore my question is twofold:
Can I prevent my home using solar energy during the day? Using the 7p energy in the battery is cheaper than using the 15p energy I could be exporting to the grid. Based on the setup this is probably unlikely, as I understand that the inverter just “sends” all that energy to the meter, where it either gets consumed by the home, or exported.
Can I export to the grid, down to a certain % but maintain home demand after export % is reached? I have had some success setting my export to 50% from 7-8pm. This continues to power the home whilst exporting to the grid, however once the 50% limit is reached the battery stops all discharge and the home starts drawing from the grid.
I guess some of this may be possible with more complex automations via HomeAssistant, however I was wondering if the GivEnergy tools provided any utility for this. Essentially I am looking to maximise my 15p export vs my 7p home usage.
Thanks in advance,