Linking Gen 1 5kw hybrid inverters together? Is it possible?

Hi all. New to the Givenergy family and have a hopefully stupidly simple question…

Can I run 2 x gen1 5kw hybrid inverters in parallel? I’ve looked online and cannot find anything which is givenergy specific. I have found about every other brand of hybrid inverters but nothing on ours… typically.

Many thanks,


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Might be best to email support to get the latest answer or have a look at the non-beta forums where the topic has been discussed extensively over the years.

In brief, an EMS box is needed to ensure the two units don’t cross charge each other and to ensure the portal shows meaningful data.

The EMS box is being developed.

There are software solutions such as Home assistant amongst some staff and beta users and perhaps some customers too. See YouTube channel speak to the Geek where balancing the AIO with an AC3 is discussed. But similar code for two hybrids I’d imagine.

Historically two hybrids might have been okay (not sure if officially supported though), not cross charging each other, but more recently some users have asked for the hybrid to act like the AC3 and suck up any export. That might make the cross charging issue crop up on hybrids.

Thanks for your response. I’ve done as suggested and dropped Givenergy an email asking the question.
Will see what the outcome is.

here are mine using the Balancer Program that I have written, will have to see if gen 1 would run on it or if I need to fudge it a little bit, it’s charging from the PV and exporting at the moment, otherwise runs without issue, yep needs a few tweaks as it’s on very reactive firmware just to make it hard for myself

It is possible to do a lot of things does this mean that it’s supported, hardware wise yes support wise probably no if you ring them up and say they are not working together then the answer would be yep your correct as they will not.

there are lots of people out there that have managed to get things running using Home Assistant we do have An EMS (some hardware) coming this year for Hybrid Plant

So watch this space

Thank you for the info. Unfortunately givenergy have responded with a big fat NO. They will not run together. So I have 2 units that are going to be redundant. I guess I’ll have to try and sell them at a loss to get something back.
Think I’ll put them on eBay.
It does seem that I’m going to have to buy a larger single phase hybrid inverter.
Thank you for your message.

I originally had two Gen1 hybrids with a battery on each and they ran fine with no cross charging like the Gen2’s or Gen3’s as they didn’t have AC monitoring in place.
I did move to Gen3’s from Gen2’s (long story) because of my original order and availability - these versions do need HA or the EMS to stop cross charging.

In my use case I am looking at installing 2 Gen 3 hybrid inverters with only one battery for foreseeable future. (My panel config is 3 MPPTs.) Would this work? I’m already running Home Assistant, would I need to manage anything to make this system work? Am new to GivEnergy so apologies if my use case has been addressed elsewhere, I haven’t yet seen it.

Hi Michael,
I have a 2 AC 3.0 + 2 9.5kwh setup (no solar panels) installed Dec 2022, which has been working quite well. But in the last week the battery firmware was updated without my prior knowledge and the sytem became unstable with low cross charging nearly all the time. Today the inverter software firmware was updated - I am now told this should not have been done as the cross charging is worse - I now have to use only one inverter at a time. I was interested in your comments about linking 2 inverters together and wondered if maybe your balancer programme could be used in my case. I’d be grateful for any feedback. Thanks, Alan