Loss of data stored on cloud

I signed up to dfs. The first event was on 8 Jan 25. Then all my stored data (over 2 years worth) before that date has disappeared! Can I get it back?

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I doubt the two things are linked.

Signing up for a DFS scheme (like octopus saving sessions or givback) shouldnā€™t cause you to loose your givenegy history.

Assuming thatā€™s what you mean?

Maybe ask your installer or complete the web form on givenegy website for more help?

My data pre 8th is also gone. So this may be a wider issue. I did e-mail support but have not had a reply :frowning_face:

Following TX100 advice I filled in the online form (no reply yet) , and previously emailed support, like Jo, but also no reply. Useful to know it seems to be a wider issue.

I sent a message on the 30th. But not via the online form. Hope that not an issue.

Not sure what you see but eg my Energy Graph for December shows 2 bars - one reads 1600 and the other 17th December!

Mine also shows 16.00 and 17 December! 2 bars.
I sent an email to support via email, then 10 days later filled in the online form as suggested by TX100. No reply to either.

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Well at least we know its not just us clearly identical issues!

If one of us gets through perhaps mention others with the same. Though I fancy if they find the cause of the one problem they will realise its wider!

Well, I now have Dec and Nov back. But strangely Jan 1-7th Still awol! and ā€œTotalā€ is still nonsense

I too have the whole of 2024 back, but also nothing for 1-7 Jan 2025. the total generation for 2024 is correct but I havenā€™t checked other totals yet, so some things seem to be changing. I record daily totals every day from the app so I can plot up performance, so it is not the end of the world if the cloud suffers a thunderstorm. The daily manual recording over the first year allowed me to discover an error in my solar installation over the first year, which the installer promptly fixed (another fortnight of scaffolding), increasing the solar output by 60%.

My ā€˜totalā€™ shows the correct figures (afaics) for the ā€˜solar to homeā€™ etc along the bottom. Its the bars that are still wrong. I see 4 bars 3 for the 1st days of a month and one for the 6th!

Still no reply from Giv so hard to know if they now see a problem and are fixing it or its coincidental

I have had a reply from support to say
"This is a known issue that our Development Team is working on currently. This will be rectified soon. "
The only issue I seem to have at the moment is the missing data from the first week of January. Otherwise bars and numbers seem to be ok.

Out of interest @Erutter, what was the issue with the PV installation please that resulted in such a significant increase once corrected?