Portal data and controls

I have a recently commissioned system - PV + 3 phase 11Kw hybrid inverter + 20Kw battery stack.

Some stuff the portal does seems weird so any clarifications appreciated:-

  1. I don’t seem to have some of the inverter controls I was expecting – particularly charge/discharge % limits and Eco

  2. The energy graph has no data

  3. Over what period are these totals calculated and can I reset them

  1. I have added the Solcast API but only estimated and forecast readings are there. Actual readings are missing

  2. The system is 3 phase and has 1 set of CT’s positioned directly upstream of the grid supply meter. I get how this therefore provides the grid import/export readings but how is the consumption reading arrived at?

  3. I set the battery to charge from the grid at 00:01. It actually looks to have started that charge at 11:00 (which is outside the low tariff period). Why?