My AIO(non-solar) was installed back in July 2023 and after a few initial glitches has worked well. Recently I’ve received messages suggesting updates for both the WiFi dongle(s) and Gateway firmware. Both these failed when trying via the Portal so thought I would first update the Dongles and then have another try with the Gateway (currently on 005 and latest offered is 010) For some reason the WiFi passwords on the SSIDs for both Inverter and Gateway weren’t accepted (I had secured these over a year ago) so I then tried to reset the Inverter dongle (all dips to 0 then reset to ON) as suggested originally. I’ve since been advised that the “proper” way to do this is via the tiny reset button on the PCB. Neither mode worked and now the Inverter Dongle no longer transmits an SSID at all! (The gateway one is still visible although I’m unable to access it) Have any others had a complete wifi dongle fail?? (No problems with my internet setup as the Gateway is still accessible on the Portal)