Reboot to restore WiFi connection

Hi there

First post, so be gentle :grinning:

Is it possible to reboot / power cycle the AIO and / or Gateway to re-establish WiFi comms?

I am working away from home until mid Feb 25 and my installation showed as going offline earlier today. Am not able to get home to do anything as is a 16,000 mile round trip.

I do have a partner who can go into my house, but she is not very technically minded, so anything that she can do can only really involve pressing of buttons and switches and the likes under instruction.

Is rather annoying that it has decided to fall over now, especially when I am on Intelligent Octopus Flux and can only see it being a short while before they say that the battery is offline and my bills start going mentally high.

I have remote access to my home WiFi and can confirm that is on and functional and the SSID that it was all set up on is 2.4ghz only.