Schedule setting update

I was so excited to test this feature!
Can’t select off time with wheel and when manually entered does not schedule correctly
iOS v3.3.2.3

Hi James, can you explain to me what the issue here is? I see you added a slot starting from 12:30am and then added a duration of 4hr and 30 minutes. Seems to me that this has worked fine. We have removed the end time, and changed it for duration. the first two numbers are hours and the second are minutes

Hi @Jamessnelling

if you follow this link below, i have put everything down you need to know. There are a list of known issues present that are being worked on, but we wanted you guy to have a look early in the process to get your opinions. Any issues you have outside of the ‘known issues’ raise in the below link’s page :smile:

@DevDavid @Jamessnelling

We should have expressed duration as Hours + Mins in the UX to make it clearer for the user.

Thanks for the feedback @Jamessnelling will will update the input method in the next release.

Gotcha but Ross asked for bug report so I already did it :man_shrugging:t2:

Second photo show it set to 5 hours but I set 4:30
Just realised my mistake!
I’ve got confused with duration and end time.
So looks like it will work. My bad. However shows how easy that was. I suggest end time not duration.
Thanks folks

After mulling over my screw up…
Can I suggest that you just put a start and stop time.
If I need to use this feature it will be to use a cheap tariff which is always defined as a start and stop time
No thinking needed and feels more natural than a duration.

@Jamessnelling We will be continuing with the charge duration but, it is in the backlog at the moment to add an “calculated end time”. So when you are setting your charge duration you will be able to see the calculated end time underneath. Do you think this would be better for you? :+1:

That would help.

I have to reiterate tho as an EV owner on go tariff that I just dont know how duration is an improvement over stop time.

I can’t think of an instance in the last 3 years of charging ours that duration was needed.
Max kwh perhaps might be useful (on app but never used it)

Perhaps other EV owners here could comment

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All the other betas have access to this one, so maybe other have the same opinion

Hi @Jamessnelling

We might poll this issue, as opinion is split so far on Duration v Start + End Time @makse noted in the main thread that duration was preferable.

I’ll find a way to get more stastically significant info from users. We could of course just include both options, since this is only a trival change, it just comes down to Input method.

I felt the Start and End time gets a bit fussy, especially went the end time goes passed midnight and you have to select another day, before selecting another time.

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That is why I liked the duration, when spanning over 2 days.

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Start time + duration is how the zappi does it and I’ve always thought it made sense.

However, the GE battery charge slots have a start and end time so it feels like a consistent approach would be better.

A post was merged into an existing topic: EVC App Settings - Scheduling Phase