Serial number in app and hardware

Had a Givenergy system installed a few weeks ago and, long story short, majority of it isn’t working properly.

  • Solar seems to power the house but not the battery at any level of production, Just goes straight to the grid
  • If I set a timed charge, it will charge the battery
  • Battery doesn’t power the house
  • Online figures just seem to show random figures for generation and usage
  • Battery shows different capacity and mah figures online
  • Serial numbers don’t match my hardware

Question is, if anyone can quickly check, is the serial number listed online under my inverters supposed to match the one directly on the outside of the inverter or is there a different serial number? Mine differs by one digit.

I suspect my system may have been commissioned incorrectly meaning it isn’t working properly.

Failing that, Anyone have any ideas what could potentially be the problem? Support it obviously off for the holidays and not back till Jan 3rd. Would be nice to have something before then.

Hi Simon,
Your system will have a serial for the inverter (and another for the battery) and yes, the inverter one should match what shows up on the portal (and the app). If you can set a timed charge though, I guess there must be comms to the system… somehow! If the inverter can’t see the house load and solar gen (through the CT clamps and EM115 meter, assuming you have an AC-coupled system) then it won’t be able to charge from solar or discharge for house load. If the CT clamp(s) are fitted the wrong way round you’ll get this sort of issue (these are fairly easy to detach and reverse; but I don’t think it would cause random readings so perhaps your problem isn’t that). If the Giv app is working locally (it will highlight ‘Home’ - or click on it to search, although this isn’t working for me at the moment - not sure why), you will be reading directly from the inverter so that’s possibly more reliable if you think the portal is suspect. You can also try installing GivTCP, which will read locally (and write if you wish). There are other apps available also, such as the one on
But I think you will need to get the installers to fix the commissioning issues. Good luck!

Thanks for the reply, forgot I had posted this actually but managed to sort it out DIY since support was closed till January. Started reading all the installation guides and tracing things along the way.

Turns out it was a reasonably simple fix - the cable going from the meter was plugged in to the wrong port. Swapped them round and everything has sprung in to life. Solar is charging the battery (Although it’s a grim winter day in the UK, so not by much) and any charge in the battery is now being used to power my house. All the figures online are now sensible and actually show real world usage.

The serial numbers and battery capacity still don’t match, but I can leave that for the moment if I’ve got a working system.

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