Last night at around 9:35pm my SOC% was set to 62% by The Server, not by me!
Has anyone else ever had this?
I have two AIOs in parallel since Aug 2024 and this has never happened before.
Means this morning my battery is only just over half charged.
Overnight is low cost as I am on the Octopus Go tariff, will mean I end up paying more for my electricity today :-(
Did you add a tariff card or beta card to either the web portal or the app?
If you did, make sure you press the stop automations button.
Did you turn on winter battery conditioning? If so, try turning that off.
Have you got any other automation installed? GivTCP, Home Assistant, WonderWatt, etc.
Have you signed up for a new tariff recently, perhaps Octopus Intelligent Flux which will control the inverter and do what it wants to do when it wants to do it?
If all else fails, try resetting the system back to defaults using the web portal. Then make sure eco is on and add a timed charge again.
Hello TX200, all good points but no to all of them except I do use GivTCP with Home Assistant .
I do not have any automations running and nothing changed about my settings with GivTCP or HA and I have had them running for almost a year now.
It is possible that I could have unknowingly touched a slider on my phone without meaning to do so?
I have sent the logs and asked the question to GE Support, I will let you know if they come up with anything.
I have added an SOC% gauge to HA main dashboard so I can check easily.
I was most worried before seeing the logs, at least I now know that something did change the SOC% level. I hope it was me because otherwise it means a 3rd party did and that would not be nice!