Solar appears not to be charging battery

The app shows solar going to home and grid rather than the home and battery (which is only around 9% charged. Bizzarely though, although the battery shows nothing going into it according to the graphic, the percentage is creeping up so it is charging. Any ideas? If I switch it to charge then it will charge to 100% from the grid OK. It just appears not to be charging from solar when solar is generating more than the home requires. It shows the excess going to grid but I suspect it is really going into the battery. Confused.

At the risk of stating the obvious!
If the app’s on Android try clearing cache and data. Worked for me when i was getting strange readings and SSO problems.
Note that this will require you to login in again.
Good luck.

Thanks but tried that. Uninstalled reinstalled, rebooted dongle and restarted battery. Same on iPhone as android. Very odd.

is the battery stuck in doing a SOC check ?

Check the logs to see if SOC has started and confirm if it ended.

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Thanks - it is not stuck in SOC.

I have the same issue. The excess solar goes to the grid and does not charge the battery. I’m not concerned as I force charge the battery at 7p and get 15p from export - but it is annoying that it isn’t a setting we can’t change. I’m emailed GivEnergy over a week ago with no reply. I recently had some work done and they changed the setting behind the scenes so I think it might be that. There was an error where the inverter didn’t know the battery was there which they fixed, but I wonder if there is still a legacy issue.

By way of an update: I discharged the battery and then forced charged the battery to 100% from the grid and it now seems to be working okay. I think it possibly needed recalibration. Strange that although it didn’t show any solar charge going into the battery (according to app) it actually was charging because the percentage charged was creeping up.

Mine definitely didn’t charge the battery at all. I turned winter battery conditioning off this morning and now the solar charges the battery. Could be just a coincidence or there is a conflict in the settings somewhere. GivEnergy also might have fixed it for me without letting me know.