Solar install less then a month ago, battery between 0% and 4%

Good morning everyone,
I’m seeking advice regarding some issues we’ve been experiencing since our Solar PV installation, which took place less than a month ago. The installation, completed and commissioned in August, includes 14 Solar PV panels, a GivEnergy AC Coupled Inverter, and a Giv-Bat 9.5 Gen 2 battery.

After the installation, the 9.5 battery was calibrated and reached 100% charge around 10 p.m. However, within about 12 hours, the battery level dropped to 0% and remained there for a few days, fluctuating between 2% and 4% thereafter. Two days later, an engineer performed a full recalibration. The battery again reached 100%, but after around 10 hours, it dropped to 0% and exhibited similar fluctuations, sometimes reaching 7%. I also noticed that the battery status frequently showed “IDLE” for several hours.

I believe something is wrong, as this isn’t how the system is supposed to operate. After monitoring it for about three weeks, I contacted the installation company, who suggested it could be due to shading from nearby trees. While we do have a few trees, the panels receive sunlight during the day, and I know the shade can’t be affecting the battery after 10 p.m., when no energy is being produced. Additionally, if shading were such a significant issue, why wasn’t this identified during the initial survey? The survey team only used a measuring tape—no other tools were involved.

I’ve noticed that a few users on this forum have reported similar issues recently. Has anyone heard if the manufacturer has addressed this, or is it still unresolved?

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Ok where to start Firstly for 12 panels your not generating a lot of energy. You are using approx 5 00 to 800 watts an hour yet i havent seen your system get higher than 480w from your panels

You are not charging your batteries from grid you have a baseload of 12kwh a day and are generating at most 4 to 6 kw, most of that has been used to support the house

You need to charge your batteries from cheap rate electricity , to support the house get your installers back the check the string inverter to make sure that the strings creating voltage

There is nothing wrong that i can see with your GivEnergy kit apart from its proberbly undersized for your needs

are you familiar with the GivEnergy App? you can monitor you home/solar/battery and grid. If your battery isn’t charging you must be exporting lots of energy on sunny days? If exporting energy then check Inverter Settings, Battery Options, then charge power is not zero!! Also in Eco Mode, so solar panels supply house first, battery second, and grid export third.

additionally, you should convert to a tariff that supplies low cost energy overnight, then if battery isn’t filled at sunset, it will top up on low cost power overnight (setting, Timed Charge). Eco and timed charge work together.

finally, consider your home devices. To avoid daytime (expensive) import power, get a 2kw kettle, and avoid multiple high power devices at the same time. consider dishwasher running overnight.

i read properly the first reply. My comments apply when the solar panels are fixed,

Thanks for getting back to me. I am new to Solar so just trying to learn faster now.
The Solar System installed is as follows:
6.37kW Solar PV:
14 x 455W Panel 'AIKO Neostar
GivEnergy Giv-Bat 9.5 battery
GivEnergy AC Coupled Inverter
SolarHedge Home Wave Inverter
Power Optimizers ( for 14 PV Panels)

Solar iBoost for the Hot water ( It has been switched off now as pointless to have)

At the moment I cannot charge the battery from the grid as it will be at the current tariff, therefore no point to do it . The simple reason is that I need to apply for the Export tariff, then I can apply for the Import tariff. After over a month I have not received any handover pack, and no certificate so I cannot do anything yet.

the 4-6kWh is a correct average , and I have noticed my electricity consumption has increased since the solar installation, I am currectly looking into it as to why is happening.

Could you tell me if the string inverter can be checked remotely by the company or is it any specific reason as to why it does need to be checked??

Thanks for your help.

I am sort of familiar with the app, getting in there.
It looks like the solar system is not producing enough of energy. It has been set on Eco mode, so whatever is generated during the day it feeds the house first, then battery if there is any surplus energy generated which is not the case .
It looks like I was badly adviced on my requirements, so currenlty looking into it.

Thanks for your help.
I am unabled to charge the battery at the low cost rate due to the installer not sending the certificate yet, now it is over a month when it was supposed to take up to 10 working days.
I am doing a lot of reasearch and checking the devices I use oo.

You need to ask your installer to come back and check, today we had some late afternoon sunshine so I produced 5.8Kwh for the day from a 3Kw Array.

Your not getting anywhere like that amount even on good days which we have had a few since your install, to me sounds like an issue with the PV and if your installer fitted it he needs to come back and check it.

. I have noticed a lot of more discrenpacies since I have received the documents yesterday, therefore I am adressing every issues to the installation company and I am aware it will take sometime to resolve them.

Thanks for your advice, very useful.