Our battery install was in August and after a little bit of experimentation, we settled on a timed charge during off peak tariff hours (1am to 7am). This has worked without any issue until two nights ago.
Yesterday I woke up and there had been no overnight charge, other than the winter conditioning. So I reset thing on the app (twice) but again there has been no overnight charge.
The app is showing there is no Timed Charge set switched on, even though I had done this and got the “submitted successfully” message. Has anyone had a similar issue?
My timed charge also failed last night. Looking at the app the timed charge changed to just 10 minutes, which makes me think winter conditioning has overwritten the original settings.
I’ve turned off winter conditioning to see if that solves the issue.
Similar issue here, I recently enabled winter battery conditioning. Checked the remote control log and no other changes to battery charge time so this must be happening as a result of the battery conditioning.
Thank you (both replies) have switched it off and battery charged last night. Also did an update but agree with you it was probably the winter conditioning. Strange, as I enabled it a couple of weeks ago but the problem only presented recently.
According to another posting the Winter Battery Conditioning event writes a charge time (10min) to slot 1 in the app overwriting anything else that has been set there. The solution is to keep slot 1 blank at the default 00:00 - 00:00 and to set the battery charge times in slot 2. But I have not seen any documentation on this.