I have a 13KW GivEnergy All in One which seems to be working very well except for one thing.
If I select “Timed Discharge” on the App and set an “Export to” target of 20% and a finish time - it discharges at full power ok. Upon reaching 20%, it stops discharging as it should, but after that, the house load is taken entirely from the grid. It is as if the battery has switched off - neither charging nor discharging.
I was expecting it to return to normal operation.
Is this normal?
Just wanted to check, as I think “timed discharge” and “timed export” are two different things?
In limited experience (only had my AIO since November), I would expect the described behaviour from “timed discharge”, but not from “timed export”
Sorry, just noticed my typo in the question. I can confirm it was on timed export. As pointed out, this would be normal for timed discharge
Have you got “winter battery conditioning” enabled? Others have reported some odd behaviour with schedules that may be linked.
Might have a test & see what happens out of interest
Seeing the same behaviour as you, and likewise, I would’ve expected normal service to resume after the timed export finished.
Timed export @ 6kW
1805 to 1815 to 64%
Hit 64% 1811 and export stopped, moved to import from grid, 1816 still importing from grid and only resumed battery covering house demand once I toggled off all timed exports.
Winter battery conditioning is not selected
I also have this issue and stopped using timed export because of it, I assumed this was intended functionality.
Would be nice for the GivEnergy team to change or fix this, I’d like to be able to dump my excess between 6-7 without risking a draw from the grid.