Update bug?

HI all.

After the latest firmware update to our AIO (.13) and Gateway (.10), the app reports that the house is using a colossal 13kW and the battery is discharging to the house and also 6kW from the grid but the house is only pulling around 600w… basically nothing is on in the house that could possibly pull that much. Also it thinks Im generating far more from the solar panels than I am… I’ve checked both units are online and rebooted the AIO and Gateway (gateway says timed out but clearly has rebooted…). What on earth is the system doing??? I’ve logged out of the app, deleted it and reinstalled/singed in but I see the same impossible result…

Do you see the same data via the web interface (givenergy.cloud) ?

Yes I see the same impossible readings, if it is running up a huge bill as a result of buggy software, I will expect to be compensated really as this has been going on for days with constant huge power draw from the grid and the battery appears to be just sending its output back to the grid which of course is stupid… please investigate urgently. At the moment it is giving completely stupid readings on both app and portal….basically it is saying I am using 17kW when nothing apart from the fridge etc. is on and the grid is supplying over 17kW……which can’t be right but until I get this on the bill I will not know……have emailed support yesterday but nothing yet from them.

This is what is happening now…… the reading for house consumption is correct but just where 10kW of battery and grid are going is the issue…… was absolutely fine until it updated so definitely buggy firmware release.

It might be the software update has accidentally reversed the direction of thr CT clamp that will be around the meter tails (usually on the live).

You could try removing and re-attaching the CT clamp in the opposite direction.

Or ask your installer if they can change the setting in software. If they can’t, they can ask Giv to do it for them.

Get on the phone to GivEnergy ASAP - I’d agree the software update looks like the culprit here!

Yep that makes sense but jeez, you would think that bug would have been spotted before release!
I’ll call support in a bit and get it sorted, I did email them days ago but as yet. no repsonse…

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Just an update, you cannot call giv support anymore, just email, 2 weeks later I have not had a response which isn’t good. Whats going on, it seems like a simple fix if I caould actually speak to someone?

Now fixed :-) Apparently previous firmware didn’t care which way the CT clamp was installed, new firmware does… Giv support thumbs up!

Yay, I was right. :rofl:

Yep, I should say that it wasn’t the firmware that changed the polarity of the CT, it was the fact that previous firmware didn’t look for it so not the installer fault. New firmware looks for it and it’s 50/50 if it sees the thing the right way round. Simple fix and peace and tranquility is restored. Hopefully my
octopus Bill this month is normal!