AIO 13.5KwH delivers only 10.2 KwH of Storage


I have an AIO installed just 4 weeks back.
25th November was a particularly sunny day. The solar Array produced well over 22kWh. Charged up the AIO from 5% to 100%. But, the Battery took in only 10.2KwH of energy. Thats unexpectedly low for a 15.6KwH battery installed in the unit.

Plots attached

more plots

This sounds like the known issue with AIO and BMS 7 firmware. Some of us have experienced much worse capacity issues from time to time.
The good news, it is a software issue and there is nothing wrong with the hardware.
The next firmware release is in development and undergoing beta testing - performance is generally encouraging but GE are making some more tweaks before testing is complete and it is ready for wide scale release. Hopefully a few weeks :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

Also donā€™t forget that temperature plays a part in battery capacity - so if your unit is outside or in a garage then some drop in capacity is expected during the colder weather.

Hi Arshad

My AIO was installed in July, I had the same problems with underdelivery. Mine is claimed 13.5 KWh, I was only getting 10-11 KWh. As Trebor says, the problem is software/firmware. Battery was not charging anywhere near enough juice - couldnā€™t possibly discharge back 13.5 KWh. Paul Landregan in Giv has been leading on this with a team of programmers working away in the background. Paul loaded new beta battery control firmware in late October, after which it charged 15 KWh, discharged 14 -14.5 KWh for a few weeks. In the last couple of weeks it tailed back to charge 13-14 KWh, discharge ~ 13 KWh. I send Paul weekly reports, hoping for action soon to get back to 13.5 KWh plus.
You should have had the new beta firmware loaded on yours and get much better performance. You say your AIO capacity is 15.6 KWh. Iā€™m sure mine is 13.5? Is that right?
Cheers, Alan C

Hi Alan,

Looking at the long list of open issues, many of them for over a year, I do hope that they sort the capacity issue soon. From what i understand, the AIO uses a 15.6kwh battery to deliver 13.5kwh after deep-discharge margins i think. Screenshot attached.

Hi Alan

Do you remember what versions of firmware did Paul load on AIO, BMS and Gateway?


Adding an observation:
The AIO ā€œAC Charge Energyā€ keeps going up even when it is Discharging or in idle mode.

My inverter shows inverter firmware version A0.005. Email from Paul on 24 Oct said it was a ā€˜test versionā€™. I canā€™t find a record of it being written in the log, but I watched it go through the charge/discharge cycle, performance afterwards was night and day.
Not aware of any other firmware changes, as far as I know, just the firmware in the big AIO box.

My inverter says my AIO is 15.96 kWh, 52 Ah. I assume, thatā€™s its actual capacity. Close to your number. Contractual capacity in the blurb / guarantee is 13.5 KWh. From My inverter meter data, Iā€™ve seen up to 15 KWh charged and 14.5 KWH discharge since re calibration. Currently itā€™s charging 13.5 - 14 KWH, discharging ~ 13 KWh

I think the new firmware is the BMS, battery management system.

Mine does all sorts of things as it tries to balance incomings and outgoings. It often takes in or discharges a few watts from/to grid. Havenā€™t monitored batt voltage or charge energy, but wouldnā€™t worry about drift up / down as long as itā€™s not importing / exporting lots of power when you havenā€™t told it to.
I should add, in winter I use a big heat pump, when running it discharges the AIO in a few hours. Most of the time the AIO either; grid charges cheap tariff; is paused at 100% waiting for peak tariff period; discharging (fast) during peak tariff period; sitting empty until the next cheap grid charge slot.
Cheers, Alan

Thanks Alan,

Can you please check one more thing on your AIO please. Whats the difference between PInv and PBat on your AIO? Mine is always around 90W 24 hours a day, suggesting that the AIO itself is consuming 90W continuously even when Idle. Which accounts for 2.16Kwh a day or 65kwh a month. My screenshot is attached

At idle, batt full charged, batt ~ 80 W, inverter ~ 20 W

Batt is flat now, batt 0 W, inverter ~ - 50W, ie taking a bit of grid power

Iā€™ve seen the AC charge today value increase when idle on my Gen 3 Hybrid too.

I thought it might be incorrectly recording a soc adjustment as an AC charge.

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On my AIO

Even in idle state when PBat is 0, PInv stays at -90W. And SOC keeps climbing by 16% every 24 hours.

I have a feeling that the firmware is coulomb counting the current at the mains side of inverter rather than the actual current on the battery. Or an incorrect loss factor is being used.

I wonder if Tesla Powerwall owners are having similar issues

Hi there, I had an AIO installed around a week ago. Notice a few days in the sudden drop at about 33% SOC to 0. When it did it a second time I called GE support and they could see in realtime the drop from 25% to 4% in about a minute. Whatā€™s also curious is that the maximum it would output was around 500W when below 25%.
GE support performed a calibration, however itā€™s just done it again tonight. Is there a way for us as users to perform the calibration (would love to do it during off-peak hours rather than in the expensive peak) and/or how to sign up to the beta firmware discussed in this thread?

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Hi Mat,

My AIO SOC mirrors yours, did you manage to get this resolved?

Itā€™s not ideal using the grid due to the losing circa 25/30% of the battery.

Please let me know



Hi Jenna,
I ended up joining the beta programme with GE and after updating my firmware Iā€™ve had no more issues. Suggest joining the facebook group as there are GE staff in there who are pretty active and will aim to help.

Thanks for the quick response Mat, Iā€™ve never done face book, would you have any email/contact details for any of the GE bids that I could reach out to?



Ah ok - try emailling here:
Good luck!

Thanks Mat,

Much appreciated - HNY!


Low capacity and sudden SOC drop
I am seeing an average battery capcity of about 10.7kwh from my AIO. It is charged to 100% overnight, and discharges during the day to about 35%. It then becomes very sensitive to significant loads, and use of a kettle at this point often triggers a rapid drop of SOC down to my set minimum of 10%. I have no PV, so data is straight forward.
Arshad and others on this thread seem to have similar probems, and I see suggestions that itā€™s a known issue and will be fixed by software update by xmas, but that deadline has passed.
I donā€™t see it on the list of known issues on the dashboard.
Is there beta software which fixes this, and can I join the beta program?
It strikes me that this behaviour could also be indicative of one or more weak cells. Do we have a means of checking individual cells states, as I can do on my car?

Inverter: CH2315G168 Firmware Version: D0.609-A0.609
Last Update Time: 2023-11-06 14:40:17
Battery Firmware Version: 7