Has anyone tested their switch to battery on mains failure feature?

I had a fuse blow yesterday that shut down the whole house. I didn’t get switched to Battery!

Now because the fuse was actually playing some part in the Givenergy system I’m not saying the system is faulty but it did raise the question of “How do I test it” ?
I could switch off the mains supply where it comes into the house but am not sure?


The installers tested my AIO (and ive also done it since, ‘cos why not :rofl:) by turning off the main DNO isolator to fake a power cut and it flicked over perfectly.

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Check the gateway, carefully, don’t electrocute yourself!, check the bypass isn’t on. It should be locked in the off position under normal circumstances.

Did anyone breakers in your house trip? Sometimes there can be issues in the house wiring and types of breakers etc that can cause issues when off grid.

I’m assuming the main DNO switch is the 100amp fuse in my cabinet?
I’m a bit worried it won’t work because of the problems of the whole house going down yesterday. It caused me a lot of grief with my internet and I also lost wifi to the the AIO, which I got back, but took a lot of mucking about.
(i’m now thinking of an ethernet connection because of it)


I’m not sure where the bypass is and what it does? is it that big red isolator near the battery?
Yes my garage trip went off !

Bypass is inside the gateway door, on far right side - has a warning label and cover over it

DNO isolator will look something like this

When I “tested” mine, router dropped once, but came back fine. And other time router was fine- your mileage may vary.

And aye, I’m thinking the same to use Ethernet for my AIO (and gateway whilst I’m at it) - installers ran the cables, but it didn’t use them.

You might want to get an electrician to test all your household circuits for faults.

What does the bypass actually Bypass?

The gateway. So if the gateway breaks you’re not in the dark.

So that is not clear to me! :thinking:
so what happens then when the mains shuts off ? does this “Bypass” switch to 1 automatically? it’s on 0 at the moment or do I have to switch it manually?
sorry I’m feeling particularly dim at the moment .

The bypass is to bypass the gateway.

So if the system breaks you can still run from grid.

It should have a cover over it, with a screw, to stop it being opened under normal circumstances.

It won’t be much use in a power cut as it’s intention is to let you run from the grid should the givenegy kit break.

Ours didnt suppy the house during power cuts in December. System was installed in August and tested at that time. Contacted our installer who says that he has two systems doing this, he has contacted Givenergy who advised of some tests to the other system and have monitored results. Tests have been unsuccesful, so he is waiting on one of Givenergy engineers to visit and rectify.

Sadly I’ve no isolator switch either, just the fuse.

My AIO also won’t flick to battery - it just trips out when I simulate a grid failure. We’re in a rural and power cuts are very frequent. I’m contacted GivEnergy support via a ticket, but…crickets. I’m going to ring them soon.


You can also do it from the portal (not the app) Go to “my inverter” then remote control and scroll down the page.

Not sure if I’m about to hijack this thread and this really needs to be its own new thread (so apologies in advance for any forum faux paus)

Noticed this afternoon that although my AIO flipped over seamlessly when grid power was cut (battery was about 80% SoC), PV was also taken offline.

I just wanted to check if that was expected behaviour with AIO and gateway based on others experiences, as the desired behaviour I asked installer was for the panels and battery to allow full island functionality, so that in the event of a power cut, I could effectively be independent (obviously depending on time of year and likely PV generation)?

Appreciate the PV generation needs to be curtailed in the event battery is 100% SoC and domestic load is below PV output, but today I was only generating a few hundred watts, well below domestic load and battery was at a healthy SoC.

when you say ‘fuse’ - I’m assuming you mean a RCD or mcb? (does anyone still have fuses?)

Secondly; the ‘fuse’ you refer to was in your consumer unit when is BETWEEN the GW&AIO and the house - therefore, if a RCD or mcb does trip, I would expect the house (or relevant circuits) to no longer be supplied with power.
I think WRT the UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply (as opposed to EPS)) feature of the AIO - what you’ve experienced with a RCD or mcb tripping is not testing the UPS feature - To test this feature you need to turn off the mains power where/before it enters your meter; namely the double pole isolator in your meter box.

Hi and thanks for the reply Elmy.
As far as “Fuse” is concerned Yes My Bad but I am in my late 70’s and most of my life it’s been called a Fuse or recently a Trip :blush:
The RCD actually was in a small metal box next to the Battery ! I it was installed with the AIO so sorry for the confusion. My Power did go out though.
I have not had the nerve to trip out the Main house “Fuse” next the the meter yet as since I posted this question I have had 3 other Problems.
The first one was all my house power going off and then back on again and then doing it at least twice possibly more in quick succession (I was so shocked I didn’t count!)
I did post a question on here about that.
Then a week or so later I found time to have a good look at my Graphs and noticed my Battery discharging almost twice the Power that my house was using so I seem to be unlucky with my system so far.
I sent an email about this to support about 5 days ago but I have not had a reply.
I am really worried about this and not very happy. after the installation in early December I also had no solar power being allowed through to my system for over 4 weeks . That turned out to be a software bug. It seems there is something wrong with my setup but I can’t get through to support!
I did find a Phone number for installers and rang them once but the number seems to have vanished off their site now.

@DaftVader I’ve spoken to GE on +44 1377 252874 in the past.

Option 2 for customer / end user from memory - can take a while to get through on hold mind you.